Thursday, October 14, 2010

More sincerely happy thoughts (read that as you will...)

I am digging this week. I really am. It started out really rough, and has had a couple of bumps in the road, but overall, I'd say it's been great!

I mean, think about it. Like Marissa pointed out, what a miracle for all 33 of those miners to be out from underground down there in Chile! I kept expecting SOMETHING bad to happen, so it's nice to know that sometimes things do work out. (Unless, of course, you're the guy whose wife got to meet his mistress while they waited for his rescue. I hear the wife was not there when he finally came out. I anticipate a couple rough months ahead for that guy.)

But still...amazing, right?

And while my week hasn't been amazing like that of the miners and their families, a couple nice things have gone down.

First, I've been reminded in a big way that my husband is a great guy who is somehow, weirdly, creepily perfect for me. It's eerie, how well he knows me - the other night, I was washing dishes and asked him to put on some music. Peppy music, actually. And I gave him a challenge - pick one of the two records that I had in my head as the only music I wanted to listen to at that time. My only clue was that the album was on vinyl, which in most houses would narrow things down significantly, but not in mine!

Literally, within 30 seconds, I heard the opening chords of "Mansford Road" by Vampire Weekend, the first song on the EXACT ALBUM I wanted to hear (the only other acceptable one would have been Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys, in case you wondered)! And this was an album we haven't listened to in months, I promise you. It was very creepy and weird and fantastic.

Then, the following day, I was having kind of a yucky morning at work, and Charles knew it. I was sitting at my desk, not wanting to ask to go out to lunch, but really wanting to go out to lunch, when an email popped up. Bam! It was a meeting request. From Charles. For lunch. Crazy, man...

And finally, back in my babysitting days, I frequently saw the moms for whom I worked talking to fellow-moms about who was coordinating what event for their kids, who would pick up what equipment or food, who would offer whom a ride. Since Zoe's birth, I've wondered how to get that network going for myself, always knowing how much easier it is being a busy mom when you have other busy moms to lean on when you need to. But short of stalking fellow-moms at the day care Zoe attended, I had no idea how to find my network.

Well, sometimes things just work themselves out. This year, Zoe is in a class with two little girls whose moms work at the same company as me. This weekend, all of us need to get the girls white t-shirts and a pumpkin for some classroom art projects, which is kind of a pain for any one person to do. So, since I live near Wal-Mart (ick, I know), I will grab some t-shirts for all three, and another mom is getting the pumpkins. The third mom is out of town and was stressing over finding the time to pick up the supplies. So it's all working out really nicely. And it's great to feel like I'm finally (I say finally like Zoe is already 16 or reality, she's two, and I'm just impatient) getting that network started. It's nice to know if I need a favor, I have some mom-friends who totally get it and are happy to help.

Sometimes, life is just....nice.

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