Meet Leah
Hey, hi! I'm Leah. I write. I'm a mom and a wife. I test software for a living. And that's just the beginning of me.
I'm a Jersey girl transplant living in the deep(ish) South (it's balmy here, I swear!!). I'm one of the more socially liberal people you might meet in your life. I believe that if you can help someone, you should, and I don't mind paying taxes. I supported Barack Obama. Wholeheartedly.
I have a very busy life, much busier than I ever knew possible when I was in my 20s and newly married and felt like I had all the time in the world. But I like it. I have a two-year-old daughter with enough attitude to fill the Empire State Building. I have a husband whose interests and hobbies always lead to me learning random facts (Did you know that Ornette Coleman played the saxophone? Or that a Jeep can be raised, but if you raise it and don't put bigger wheels on it, it just looks silly?). I read a lot, don't write enough, and have crazy ideas for books and stories and blog posts when I'm out running.
I have a tendency towards hyperbole.
I hope to one day write books that people like to read, but in the meantime I'm excited to be starting a blog with my good friend, fellow mom and all-around-cool-chick, Marissa.
Cities, beaches, mountains, wine, coffee, well-written history books, exercise, playing silly games with Zoe, thunderstorms, and zombie movies
Conservatives who think it's their job to tell the rest of the world how to live their lives, judgmental people, redundancy, ticks, horseflies, banana peppers and olives
Meet Marissa
And I am Marissa. I also write. I am a mother and a wife, who used to be a part of the corporate world but now stays at home. My schedule was once driven by meetings, deadlines, and work trips, but now revolves around nap times, feedings, and play dates. But trust me, I’m not complaining.
I’m a southern girl who took a quick detour up north, and then made her way back south, only to marry a Yankee, as my father often reminds me. My husband is Italian, and therefore our 11 month old son is a blue eyed, blond haired Italian, growing up in the south. I love spending time with my family, and our two crazy dogs, and when I can find a quiet moment to myself, I write as much as I can. My favorite game to play is in my head, what can I invent that will make me millions.
Coffee, cocktails, summer evenings, beaches, hikes, weird medical mysteries, strange sea creatures, live music, BBQ chicken pizza, and period movies.
Spiders, alligators within 100 yards of me, lightening, long toenails, milk, closed-minded people, and really cold winters. Oh, and olives.
I’m finishing my first novel, which I hope one day gets published, and if not, I’ll always have my inventions. I’m thrilled to start this blog with my dear friend, Leah, who knows much more about everything than I ever will.
P.S. from Leah: Shutup - no I don’t...
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