Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I had a rough night last night due to a seemingly everlasting stress dream in which I was trying to go to sleep in a hotel room while my co-workers played the television too loud. Then Zoe was trying to lay in the bed with me (still in the dream) and she was kicking and wiggling and no one would turn the darn TV off...

Suffice to say, I swear I woke up more tired this morning than I was when I went to bed last night.

Ah, well...it happens, doesn't it?

So since my brain is tired and my body is exhausted, and since I've had two heady posts in a row, I thought I'd just share some silliness today.

First, I'm watching the season premier of Glee as I type and I'm so happy it's back on. As a girl who has been in love with musical theater much of my life, I find this show entirely engaging and lovely. It makes me so happy, and even though Charles typically leaves the room or falls asleep when I watch it, today he's being a champ and has hung in there through three (3!!!) musical numbers thus far.

Also, I learned yesterday that if you have leftover shrimp and grits (one of my favorite things to cook), you can serve it really successfully with bacon and scrambled eggs. It makes a great dinner!

And as much as I love Glee, I'm also very into shows about food. I love food. It makes me happy (which is probably why I can never, ever seem to lose weight...but I digress). No Reservations is one of my favorites, but I also love Top Chef. I was super-excited to see this short interview with Tom Colicchio on Babble.com, one of my favorite parenting sites. I have such a little crush on the Top Chef judge; it was nice to read a little something about him.

And finally, to round out this little round-up, I have also learned that potty training a toddler leads to extended bedtime routines, as suddenly said toddler needs to "go number one" 97,362 times every night after bed. Sigh. I know Zoe will outgrow it (this, too, shall pass, right?), but right now, bedtime stresses me out like it hasn't in months. But my growing girl also says really funny things now, like, "R is for bunny!" and "Oh, fail!" when she can't blow a bubble. So it all balances out...unlike this crazy post.

Have a good night, friends!

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