Back in November, a post written by a mom with an infrequently-read blog went viral. It was about her decision to allow her five-year-old son to dress up as Daphne (from Scooby Doo) for his pre-school's Halloween party, and the repercussions that followed.
I wrote briefly about this post when it was originally in the news, trying to show my support.
Now, the mom is back, filling us in about further ramifications from her original post, and letting us know about the bullying of which she's been the target, FROM HER CHURCH.
All I can really say is....uuuuggggghhhhhh....
The idea that a pastor at a church would try to push around a mother who wrote a simple essay to VENT HER FEELINGS about people who potentially HURT HER makes me sick.
Look, for most of us, "mom-blogging" is a pretty thankless job. I know I am not going to get rich writing this blog. I know I don't have a ton of readers. But I also know that I feel compelled to write, and if I were faced with a similar situation, a similar frustrated rant would likely grace this blog as well. And it would not be written with the intent to attack; rather, it would be a form of catharsis. As I imagine it initially was for the mother at Nerdy Apple Bottom.
To me, a church (or any religious institution) should be welcoming, loving. The fact that her church is punishing her for the fact that the rest of the country was so touched by her story that we all read it and posted and re-posted it...well, that seems unthinkable to me.
So to the unnamed pastor of some unnamed church which I do not attend, who needs to wake up and see what his actions are doing...poo on you. Grow a pair and learn right from wrong before you try to lead your flock any further, ok?
And to the anonymous writer of Nerdy Apple Bottom...I am with you, sister. I hear you and I feel for you and I am supporting you from afar.
Good luck and happy thoughts to you and yours.
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