What a week! I was completely distracted by the peaceful overthrow of the Egyptian government, which was amazing. And now I'm learning more about similar protests occurring throughout the Middle East. People talk a lot about how after the Iranian revolution in the 1970s, the result was an extremist government that has since ruled with an iron fist, but I think (I hope!!) this is different.
Anyway, that's really not what's on my mind tonight. What's on my mind is that:
a. I haven't written here in a week!
b. I LEAVE FOR LONDON ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ok, can you tell which I care more about right now??)
So...I'm all over the place. I haven't written because I've again been immersed in my book, because apparently for me, writing the vast majority of a story has opened up the floodgates, and the ideas keep coming. I had the whole story written, but some feedback from my brothers got me thinking about gaps, and how to fill them, and now I can't stop! So I just keep on writing, fully knowing that much of it may come back out based upon whether or not I've gone over the top.
Which I maybe have.
Also, I have ideas and characters for the sequel already sketched out in my head. Um...what? See what I mean about the floodgates?
And with regards to London...HOLY SHIT I'M LEAVING ON FRIDAY!!! That's really where my brain is right now. I'm struggling to comprehend it.
Like...I could use a break from all the responsibilities my daily life entails, but I can't deal with the thought of how much responsibility I am throwing onto Charles for those five days I'll be gone.
And...sometimes having a two-year-old is exhausting, frustrating, and infuriating...but I'm going to miss my little Zoe every minute of every day!
UGH! I think I'm neurotic.
And seriously...something about becoming a parent makes you no longer care for your own life with regards to yourself, but oh my GOD, if something were to happen to me while I was gone (terrorist attack? plane crash??), I would hate to leave Zoe and Charles alone in this world. I know they'd manage and move on, but I also know it would be damn hard on them. And I'd hate to do that to them.
Don't even get me started about the possibility of something happening to THEM while I'm gone...that's literally unfathomable.
See what I mean? Hello, neurosis!
All that said, I'm also REALLY excited to go see my brother and brother-in-law for a few days, to just hang out and sightsee and laugh (because when my brother and I are together, we laugh a LOT). And I know it's going to be fabulous.
But what if, what if, WHAT IF???
Sigh. I'm definitely neurotic.
Enjoy your trip!!