Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Music music music!!!

Something crazy has been afoot in Charleston this summer. I'm not sure if it's going to last, but I like it!

It's GOOD MUSIC! In Charleston!!!

In the past few months, Charles and I have been practically reeling at the amount of bands that we love who are making it to town.

First, Smashing Pumpkins came. They played a crazy-loud, flashy-light set at a small venue downtown back in July, and while I wasn't quite as into the show as Charles, even I had to admit was an incredible opportunity to see an iconic bands of the 1990s. My ears rang for days.

Next was supposed to be Neko Case, but she had to cancel due to tour-fatigue. We love her, so we were a little sad, but hey, at least she thought of us in little old Charleston!

Then the bands really started showing up, and we actually have to stop buying tickets because the shows are getting too close together.

This past Friday we saw The Black Crowes on Daniel Island. It was AMAZING. Seriously. I haven't danced so much since my days of "clubbin'" in college - my friend Tina would have been so proud. And while my dancing skills are at best questionable, I was completely tickled by Chris Robinson's groovy moves. Dude can shake his booty, let me tell you. I never quite got why Kate Hudson married him (c'mon - did you??), but now I totally get it!!

Next we have tickets to Phish in mid-October - can you believe it? Phish is coming here? For two nights? We're just going to one, but I can't wait. I didn't GET Phish back in high school, when I would have had the opportunity to travel around with a few friends in the summer, going from show to show. But now I get it (although I still don't smoke...hmm...) and I can't wait to see them live. I bet I bust out my dancin' shoes again! God help those Phish-heads around me!!

After that comes Band of Horses (score!). Dave Matthews Band is coming, too, and while we don't have tickets to them yet, I have a feeling we'll be getting them soon. Like, as soon as they go on sale.

We have to say no to Lyle Lovett this fall, a huge favorite of Charles and mine, since his show is really close to Dave's. We saw Lyle perform with his Large Band when Zoe was just a few months old (it was one of our first post-baby dates), and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. I'd say it was in my top five, but then I sound like I'm going all High Fidelity on you.

Of course, a huge part of all this music has really been the fact that Charles and I have re-entered the world of the young, fun and semi-social this year. Zoe's a little bigger, she sleeps a lot better than she used to, and she and my mom have enjoyed all the extra time they've gotten to spend together. It's been lovely, really. Music has always been a huge part of our lives and it's fabulous to re-immerse ourselves in it.

Zoe loves it too - she loves to dance, to rock out, and will request Beastie Boys or Miles Davis - you just never know with her. Right now she's on a Grace Potter kick. So maybe next time Grace comes to town, we'll go see her as a family.

Life gets more and more fun sometimes, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. So much Leah-energy! Bouncy Tigger!

    And your daughter rocks. No question.
