It seems like the older your child gets without being potty trained, the more frequently you hear stories of other children getting potty trained at freakishly young ages. I mean, 14 months? Really? To be fair, I know I was trained by 18 months, but anyway...
I got sick of being told that Zoe, at 27 months (no, I don't typically count months anymore...I'm illustrating a point), was more than old enough to be using the potty. Last weekend, I made a completely arbitrary decision: even though she had only once done ANYTHING in the potty, clearly this four-day weekend was THE time to just start putting her in underwear. No more diapers. Great idea, right?
You wouldn't think so, huh? But then...
...I got an email from Zoe's teacher Thursday afternoon. Zoe woke up from her nap, dry. Zoe peed on the potty. Zoe deserved the ice cream promised to her for the first time she peed on the potty at school! Amazing!
By the time Charles and I picked her up that afternoon, she'd done it again! Amazing!
And so far, it's all been smooth sailing from there. That afternoon, she wore her new underwear with pride and sans accidents. The following day, she had one accident, and one naptime poopy diaper. Today, no accidents and her first ever #2 in the potty. Amazing!
Of course, we've had some bumps in the road, and my own hyper-vigilance has completely worn me out. We learned today that Zoe requires privacy to poop - she literally told me to "Get out of here, Mommy" and blew a raspberry in my face, causing me to leave the bathroom in anger, closing the door behind me. Less than a minute later, she squealed. "Mommy, I pooped!!!" Amazing!
I'm sure we'll have more (bigger?) bumps over the next few weeks, but we are already so much further than I thought we'd be. She continues to amaze me daily, in this as in other parts of life, and I can only hope to control my own exhaustion/moodiness as we continue onward.
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