One year ago, on this day, I was anticipating the birth of our son. I was swollen, 35 lbs heavier, and exhausted. I was sitting at work, trying to wrap everything up before I left on maternity leave. I had no idea what the future would hold. Would my son be born healthy? Would I be a good mother? How would I juggle work and motherhood? Will I ever lose all this weight? Do I have all the things I need? Do we have enough diapers?
One year later, so much has happened and it feels like yesterday I was asking myself all those questions. Turns out, my son was born just perfect, I think I'm an alright mother, still learning everyday. I'm staying home with my son, something I didn't think we would be able to do. Yes, I lost the baby weight, and yes, we had enough diapers, at least for the first few days. Everything turned out fine, even better than I had hoped.
And here I sit, daydreaming again. Will I ever get published? Am I a good writer? Am I a good mother? Am I teaching my son enough? Does he feel loved? Is he growing fast enough? Should I wean him off bottles? Do we have enough diapers?
You are the best mother in the world!